Cancel my Will

There are different ways to cancel (or “revoke”) your Will.  Some ways might be accidental, like not realising marriage can revoke a Will.  Other ways might be more deliberate, like “burning, tearing or otherwise destroying” the Will (section 20 Wills Act 1837). Last year, in the case of Crew v Oakley, a hospitalised lady wanted…

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Undue Influence: The Case of the Isolated Mother

In 2021, Mrs Daphne Jones signed a Will in which she named her daughter – Ceri Jones – sole Executor and Beneficiary. But when Mrs Jones died, the Court refused Probate to Ceri because they discovered that she “increasingly isolated her mother from other members of the family”. That isolation was “substantially complete” by the…

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Solicitors vs Plastic

If a solicitor writes your Will, are they going to use plastic unnecessarily? Ask them if they plan to put a plastic cover on the front of the Will or perhaps use a plastic spine to hold it together. Don’t be afraid to challenge your solicitor on environmental issues. You might be the one that…

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Best Will & Probate Solicitor UK 2022

We’re very proud to announce that Deo Law has won the Business Excellence Award for “Best Will & Probate Solicitor UK 2022”.  A link to the page and details of the other winners, can be found here: To be named the best Will Solicitor in Lincoln would be one thing but to win a…

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I would like a new Will. What’s the difference between a “Solicitor” and a “Will-Writer”?

Solicitors are qualified professionals, regulated in providing their services. They have to follow the rules of the “Solicitors Regulation Authority” which cover things like handling client money and maintaining public faith in the profession. Solicitors cannot practice without indemnity insurance. Will-Writers are not necessarily qualified and they can choose not to be regulated; there are…

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Thank you, NHS

We’re really proud to be offering discounts and special rates to staff of the United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust and Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust for Wills, Probate, Trusts and Lasting Powers of Attorney.  The staff can access the deals on their internal Staff Benefits site. Thank you, NHS!

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Will reading

Reeves v Drew [2022] For your Will to be valid, you have to know and approve what it says.  You must understand the words used in your Will and what will happen when you die. Reeves v Drew is a recent case about a businessman called Kevin Reeves.  Mr Reeves was worth millions of pounds…

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5 reasons to write a Will

Speed: When you die, the Probate process is usually more straight-forward (and therefore faster) if you have a Will. Choice: Personal family items, the people to look after your children, funeral arrangements – wouldn’t you prefer to have a say in these things?  Do you know how decisions are made when there is no Will?…

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Gifts to Charities

After the first UK lockdown, the Law Society carried out a survey and found that only 20% of people with a Will named a charity as a beneficiary. Did you know that you don’t pay inheritance tax on gifts to qualifying charities?  And did you know that, even if inheritance tax has to be paid…

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